Saturday, December 28, 2013

Causes of a Jet Lag

1. Crossing time zones This is the main reason of having a jet lag. The direction in which a distance is covered is also important her. Normally people crossing over 3different time zones suffer jet lag because of change in the body clock routine. Many people are not used to a change in the routine of the body clock and become more susceptible to jet lag. The melatonin level produced in the body is not in accordance with the normal processes of the human body and so the effects of jet lag are bound to occur. 2. Dry Atmosphere Usually the air in the aircraft is dry. People traveling long distance routes are to stay in this atmosphere for a long time. The dryness in the atmosphere can cause illnesses like headaches, dryness in nasal and throat membranes, dryness in skin and can even create conditions to catch cough, cold and flu. The body can also dehydrate at this time and create suitable conditions to suffer from a jet lag. 3. Cabin Pressure Jet lags can also occur because of high altitudes. Normally aircrafts flying at an altitude of more than 30000 feet create enough pressure to cause tiredness, lethargy and even swelling in certain areas of body for some people. 4. Stale Air Sometimes the air supply in aircrafts is not up to the standard required by a normal human body to operate in. the lack of good air can also induce tiredness and irritability. Some people can have severe headaches from staying in this type of air for a long time. Although the stale air can be replaced with fresh air by the airline officials but it has been reported to cost the airlines more than their allowed budget. 5. Preflight Conditions The condition of the body before taking a long distance flight also matters in getting a jet lag. An individual not getting enough sleep before flight, over tired, excited, nervous or stressed are more prone to jet lag. These types of conditions can cause travelers to get uncomfortable during a flight and they miss out on good amount of rest and inappropriate diet. 6. Food and Drink The type of food provided in aircrafts can be abrasive on stomachs. Normally many people have reported stomach problems after long haul flights. When sitting in a cramped position for a long time the stomach cannot carry the extra pressure applied by taking frequent servings of meals in flights. Similarly drinks and beverages can have potent effects on the stomach. The caffeine content in tea and coffee are hard to take on high altitudes and can cause indigestion. That is why only water is recommended on long haul flights to cover up the dehydration. 7. Lack of Exercise In flights usually passengers move about less. This makes most of the flight uncomfortable especially when it is crowded. Lack of exercise and movement is the major cause of a jet lag. People are usually advised to do light stretching exercise using their feet and hands. Keeping the body constantly in a single position will make it more exhausted and irritating.

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